Stock for six markets, four Sky Gypsies, two bikes, one scooter, one glider and everything else for two weeks away crammed into a small van and caravan. Combine the above with faulty electrics, stormy weather, a late start and a long drive, for an intense day………But phew……... breathe ………we are away on the start of our road trip north.
We wake to sunshine and a ‘jumping pillow’ outside our van meaning a day of bouncing, recovering and relaxing in Jurien Bay. The next day is our 1st market. Its forecast to rain like crazy. We set up small, it gets busy and crowded and I wonder if we were right to squash in but then the rain floods down. We zip up our gazebo sides and pack up inside – feeling smug for staying dry, being prepared and following our instincts. Lessons learnt from past mistakes. We strike out early for Kalbarri.

What a view for the market here.

I was worried the woolies wouldn’t work north of Perth but a record number of beanies leave the stall. We head out to explore red gorges and build river dams, walk on warm sand and indulge in a spot of fishing. Its my second time here, the first was mid summer five years ago. I was newly arrived and shocked by the heat and desolation. I recommend winter. This time it feels so good to be away, in this big open rugged country. So glad we made the effort to set out….