What could you do if you felt scared and just did it anyway?
Sorrow, imagination, empathy, inspiration………and ultimately people. That’s what got this relatively quiet introverted person out of her comfort zone to organize a fundraiser for our beloved Nepal. Event Organiser would be somewhere on my list of nightmare jobs but somehow that’s what I did. It’s made realize that if you care intensely about something you really can do things that you might normally run a mile from.
Thank you Dunsborough!
Thank you to everyone who came to our fundraiser for the Nepal Earthquake on Friday 22nd May at Samudra. We raised a fantastic $3730 to help and Waves for Water continue their work for the amazing people of Nepal.
Flying Visit
When you are mum of four and three year old girls the prospect of two weeks on your own is pretty exciting (not that they aren't amazing and lovely and everything but you know...... they're pretty intense!). Combine this with a trip to your favourite city, Kathmandu, a wallet full of money to spend and the knowledge that you will be making your next six months of work infinitely more interesting, by buying lots of new lovely stuff with said money, and it all adds up to a pretty great work trip!!